6 Ways Robotics & AI Will Enhance Everyday Life | RoboThink
6 Ways Robotics & AI Will Enhance Everyday Life While the idea of robots taking over the world is an exciting plot for a Hollywood blockbuster, the development of technology and introduction of robotics comes with a whole range of benefits. From improving quality of life for vulnerable members of society, to tracking loved ones, […]
Self-discovery & Robotic Toys Will Help Develop Robotic Engineers
There will be a huge demand for robotic engineers in the next couple of years. As Steve Jurvetson, Board Member of SpaceX and Tesla explained ‘Machine learning allows us to build software solutions that exceed human understanding and show us how AI can innervate every industry.’ While the idea of evil robots taking over our […]
3 Reasons Why STEM Curriculum Is Key To Machine Learning & Problem-solving
STEM lessons and resources revolve around science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, but why are these core skills key to the future generation? In this article, we’re going to reveal 3 key reasons why a STEM curriculum is the key to machine learning knowledge and problem-solving skills. 1: Empower The Future GenerationBiologically driven neurological processes and […]
RoboThink Investing in Multi-Media
RoboThink is launching RoboThink MultiMedia, a media content development branch of the RoboThink, LLC. Kids learn through touch, but they also learn through hearing and seeing. RoboThink is planning on investing more in 2017 into creating digital media for auditory and visual learners of STEM! The RoboThink MultiMedia logo is a derivative of the RoboThink corporate […]